Call For Public Art
Richmond Ave Public Art Trail
Houston, Texas
Professional Artists from Texas and surrounding states are invited to submit proposals for temporary sculptures on one of the most traveled avenues in Houston. This is our fourth year and is sponsored by the St George Place Redevelopment Authority. Stipend is $2500. DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS IS JULY 1, 2023.
Deadline for submission is July 1, 2023.
Submissions selected will receive notification by July 15, 2023.
You may submit up to three renderings or photographs of potential or existing sculpture(s). Submitted renderings must be in pdf or jpeg format. Submitted photographs must be in jpeg format. Each submitted file must not be larger than 1.5 MB.
Please include details such as size, approx. weight, medium, dimensions, color, year, retail cost if for sale, and title. Volume of work should fit into a 10v x 10d x 20h ft space and weigh less than 1500 lbs.
Because of the public orientation of this exhibition, work should be safe and acceptable to the public.
If selected, provide detailed sketches and written information for installation (4’x4’ existing pads).
Provide an artist statement if selected.
Advise whether a crane or other heavy equipment is necessary for the sculpture’s installation/de-installation.
There are ten designated sculpture sites on the esplanade of Richmond Ave, between S. Rice and Hillcroft. Redbud Arts Center determines site placement for the sculptures.
RICHMOND AVE PUBLIC ART TRAIL is open to professional artists who primarily live or have lived, exhibited, studied, or worked in Texas and/or adjoining states of Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas.
Works should be highly visible, consider sight lines of vegetation and pedestrian / automobile traffic.
There is no electricity available; personal solar lighting may be used.
The stipend for RICHMOND AVE PUBLIC ART TRAIL 2023/2024 artists is $2,500 payable up front and when funds are approved by our sponsor. Artists will be asked to provide a Form W-9.
Redbud Arts Center will secure a temporary (9-month) public sculpture permit from the City of Houston’s Parks and Recreation and Public Works Departments.
A catalogue will be produced. Artist portrait shots and photographs of work will be utilized for publicity purposes. Artist retains copyright and title.
Accepted Artists are required to sign a waiver of liability for (1) City of Houston and (2) Redbud Arts Center, as required by the City of Houston for the permit.
Sculptures are not insured for damage or theft by the Sponsor, Redbud Arts Center, or the City of Houston. Insurance by artists is optional.
Artists are responsible for installation, de-installation, and maintenance of sculptures.
Installation dates are Monday, October 2, through Tuesday October 31, 2023. Show will run from November 1, 2023 through July 31, 2024.
De-installation dates are Monday July 1 through Wednesday July 31, 2024.
RICHMOND AVE PUBLIC ART TRAIL asks for a 20% donation of any sale if an agreement is reached between artist and a buyer while the sculpture is installed. Those split proceeds go into RICHMOND AVE PUBLIC ART TRAIL’s and St. George Place Redevelopment Authority (SPONSOR) designated funds to support future projects.
Please email proposal(s), any attachments, and questions to
Gus Kopriva and Tanja Peterson