Daniel Johnston
“Drawings To Listen To And Songs To Look At”
(In conjunction with his sister Marjory Johnston)
West Gallery
January 26 - March 31, 2019
Opening Reception
Saturday, January 26, 2019
6pm to 9pm
Personal Appearance:
Saturday, May 2, 2019
5pm to 7pm

Redbud presents Daniel Johnston’s exhibit “Drawings To Listen To And Songs To Look At”. We are always excited about presenting new never before created works of art by the world-renowned outsider poet, writer, and musician Daniel Johnston. In collaboration with his sister, artist Marjory Johnston, they have created these works which contain lyrics of some of his over 900 songs, depicted in over 100 watercolors and collages. Each piece has the song and CD title identified on the piece.
Waller, Texas based 58-year-old Daniel Johnston has been active in the music scene since the late 70’s. He is considered a self-taught pop rocker. His art and music, many times inappropriate, is largely based on his obsession and unrelenting love with a girl named Laurie from high school. Johnston’s songs have been cover recorded by several hundred artists, including David Bowie and Tom Waits. His life has been documented in the film “The Devil and Daniel Johnston.” Johnston’s work was shown in a recent Whitney biennial. His famous slogan of “Hi, How Are You?” first debuted in Austin. The late Kurt Cobain mused that Daniel Johnston is the best song writer in America.
Drop by the gallery for a rare treat. We hope that Daniel will be present during the opening after his recent hospital-stay. Redbud will have over 100 original signed framed works starting at $650.
Have a great new year!
Gus Kopriva