Gabriel Diego Delgado (San Antonio)
"Stencils and Patterns"
June 4 - June 26, 2011

Gabriel Diego Delgado, known more as a political artist forges ahead with a new artistic exploration into the traditional store bought décor of stenciling. Pre-made stencils found at Hobby Lobby®, Home Depot®, and other commercial venues, force Gabriel Diego Delgado to reexamine their role in the “Fine Art” genre. Seen as a custom home design element for room accents, stencils have played a major role in everything from Street and Graffiti Art to Architectural Design. By laying the stencils in an array of configurations, colors, and patterns, Delgado creates color rhythms that define spatial relations; creating a cosmic array of visual linguistics.
Part illustrative illusion, part color theory, the decorative patterns take on a life of their own, shaping and shifting the eye of the viewer. Reminiscent of Old Colonial Ironworks, Baroque-ish design and medieval tapestry designs; Gabriel Diego Delgado’s stencil paintings elevate stencil use to another level. Teetering on all over compositions, assimilated with similar use of stencils with the likes of Shepard Fairy and Bansky to a cultural comment referencing Civil Society anonymous street artist, Gabriel crosses the line of aesthetic ornamentation to artistic statement.
In other work, Gabriel takes on the Animal Kingdom with Oriental Tapestry patterns and Middle Eastern Rug designs; while incorporating heavy handed patterns into their skins, coats, and fur. More decorative than illustrative, Gabriel contemplates the visual aesthetic of the ordinary to elaborate. These delicate line drawings and complicated design patterns show Gabriel is a master draftsman as well as a storyteller.