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Life Stories
Illustrated Sonnets

Story Teller Gus Kopriva
"This work would not have bared fruit without the outstanding efforts of the visual artists that participated in the project. The editing by Elisa Rochford provided timely and valuable suggestions to enhance the texts. Layout and design activities by Juan A. Castillo, with assistance by Stephanie L. Darling, resulted in a beautiful piece of book art. Randall Mosman consulted on the intricate nuances of book publishing. All rights to the art belong to the artists. Lastly, I pay tribute to all of our species who bravely travel through the maze-like adventures of what we call daily life."
Gus Kopriva
Houston, TX
August 2017
Illustrated Sonnets
Kelly Alison | The Haboob (Kuwait) |
Yousef Balat | The Last Chance |
Amita Bhatt | Elephants Walking in the Night (India) |
Juan Aaron Castillo | The Red Bird |
Michael Roque Collins | A Special Day in May |
Stephanie L. Darling | The Blue Heron (Ode to Virgil Grotfeldt) |
Rachel Schwind Gardner | The Goose and the Pecker |
Hannah Hoch | Paradise Lost (Mombasa) |
Sharon Kopriva | Priest Lake |
James Magee | A Fire in Madisonville |
Hudson Marquez | Stiletto |
Lynet McDonald | Sonnet for a Winter's Day (Arabian Gulf) |
Brad Moody | The Lady by the Lake (Sarah Lee) |
Moritz Melzer | The Blue Windmadchen |
Randall Mosman | Woman Next Door (For Marta) |
Jennifer May Reiland | The Storm (Galveston) |
Kaneem Smith | Sonnet for a Tired Love (A Desert Journey) |
Jeff F. Wheeler | Vainglory |
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