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Redbud Projects
"Breaking Boundaries" Texas / Leipzig Cultural Exchange

October 10 - October 15, 2024

Opening Reception:

Thursday, October 10, 6pm-8pm

Club International E.V.

Käthe-Kollwitz-Straße 115

04109 Leipzig, Germany


Michael Roque Collins


Artist Statement

Over the past forty years, my art has been evolving through a variety of ambiguous associations. The resulting paintings welcome one to imagine tidal influences where currents of the poetic and spiritual bring to the shore possible urgencies of thought. These most recent ideas reflected in my "Transmissions of Light Series" are varied though generally are filtered through the lens of consciousness and content where the human condition is placed in opposition with the forces of modernism. Art about life co-mingling with art about art as a perpetual manner of expression has allowed my most recent art to speak clearly utilizing the power of abstraction held in balance with the energy of figuration. These dualities are further amplified by elements in my paintings that connect with both cultural and personal mythologies colliding these with the quotidian. Memory, mystery and a sense of morphic resonance in my resulting paintings are additionally amplified by darkness giving way to spiritually fed illuminate forces. These opposing contemporary romantic forces heighten the sense of ambiguity that enables discoveries to emerge and that metaphorically hang the viewer in a sense of mystery. Cyclical patters of destruction and creation, whirlpools of compression and expansion where new meanings may be located become a symbiotic realm where the viewer is encouraged to find additional meaning from the energy held in each work. 

Sharon Kopriva


Artist Statement

Although the image of the egg has threaded its way through my art, with the onset of Covid, the “fragile egg” became an obsession in the content of my work. It represented my personal insecurities about survival as well as the future and continuation of all Earth’s creatures.

“Crosscurrents of Darkness and Light” presents a yin and yang and a search for calmness and balance in our current world of chaos. 

McKay Otto


McKay’s Art Journey invites you to embark on a visual journey captured in the mysterious art works with their light illuminating the beauty and wonder that can be discovered simply by looking beyond. As your vision wanders beyond the veil you may be inspired to explore further than the familiar, to seek out the hidden gems that lie just beyond the surface of things and to embrace the serendipity of discovering the unexpected. 

This current body of work explores the tenuous relationship between looking and seeing, employing materials like silver, bronze and gold acrylic emulsions to build up surface and pigment while obfuscating the crossroad’s form. And if you say that something is at a crossroads, you mean that it has reached a very important stage where it could go one way or another… at a place where one's world might forever change.

Sherry Owens


Artist Statement

Nature nourishes my visual dialogue.  I am concerned with human activities and how they affect every living thing; our impact on the prairies, the forests and the oceans makes me question how to make sculpture.  So I go to my studio to have these conversations with the forest of trees that I have accumulated over the years…..all crepe myrtle that I have found along the side of the road.  Emphasizing the linear movement of a single crepe myrtle stick is similar to making a mark on a page.  Each stick is hand-carved and cut to fit, then laid in place and secured with a small myrtle peg.  The work is labor intensive, and the importance of detail and the evidence of my hand takes precedence in my interaction with materials.  Drawings are often created intuitively and spontaneously through gestural abstraction.   Personal stories, visions and observations in nature are created and made from bundling lines to occupy space and search for a way to reconnect our lives to the natural world.

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© Redbud Arts Center: 303 E. 11th St., Houston, TX 77008, (713) 854-4246 

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