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Mark Bercier (New Orleans)

"The Healin' Symbols - Works on Paper"

​November 2 - December 1, 2013

Artist Statement


For the past twenty six years I have been developing a visual language entitled The Healin’ Symbols. This language includes 27 symbols paired with 27 words, that do not necessarily go together. This personal iconography reflects my fascination with language, both visual and verbal, and our ways of communication, or lack thereof. The Healin’ Symbols take on many forms in my paintings, drawings, prints and sculpture. I have come to realize that this personal language is really about our life’s journey. The art critic D. Eric Bookhardt describes this work as “faux-naive” - “reflecting the inner child in an exploration of the mysteries of life, creation and other cool stuff”.


In this time of working on The Healin’ Symbols, the symbol of “Baby” has taken on a very important role in my work and with my collectors. Taken from a self portrait drawing my daughter did when she was 5 years old, Baby became the purist symbol of innocence and hope, not just about childhood but throughout our lives. I believe that her message is that it is possible for life’s riddles and fears to be eased through the miracle of art.

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