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Thais Mather (Cumming, Georgia)

"The Anonymous Author"

April 2 - April 24, 2016

Artist Statement:

Over the last year, I have poured myself into a line of visual research about the value of cultural artifacts, everyday objects, archaeological truisms, and the objectification of culture. When we think to the future of our own history, it sits in a space of speculation, in which cultural artifacts and identities mixed and mingled become their own form of working fiction. Through an exploration of objects from mostly Western culture throughout history, I came to identify that men are signifiers of the creation of culture, and women are objects of culture, or portrayed as cultural victims. I began to think of women as “The Anonymous Author,” as the true creators of human culture (since we literally create it), although we are condemned by our own creation, while a fictitious male God is praised for the creation of humanity. My thesis led me to think of my subjective experience as a live feminist artist, who is often not taken seriously or repeatedly asked to defend myself and my stance; while, like most women, I quietly create culture.

The installation is comprised of mostly pointillist drawings, each with thousands of microscopic dots, which create a hyper real image, and speak to the concept of the continual labor of creation. Sculptural pieces highlight condensing eras throughout history to signify “The Predicament of Culture.”


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© Redbud Arts Center: 303 E. 11th St., Houston, TX 77008, (713) 854-4246 

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